Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, September 26, 2010


The trailer Jeremy drives around on weekends.
Driving to Provo :)
Waiting for the gates to open so we can get to our seats!


                  On the weekends Jeremy drives a Ford truck and trailer around to different events for advertising. Usually they are not too far from home and I just stay home but this last weekend they needed the trailer in Provo for the BYU game, so I got to come along! The company bought tickets for us so we had something to do while they did their thing. It was HOT but a lot of fun. I had never been to a football game besides high school ones so I was pretty excited! To bad BYU is not very good (sorry to all you fans out there) but it was still fun to be there in that football atmosphere! I even bought a $5 shirt to irritate Jessi, who said she would burn it as soon as she gets home.
                  Fall is my all time favorite season! I love decorating my house for it and I love the weather, the colors of the trees, the holidays, football, and it might help that my birthday is in November.  It is just an all around awesome season and I look forward to it every summer so I am so excited that it is finally here!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

September Already?!

Well, I can't believe it is already September. Time just keeps flying! In two weeks we will have been in our house for one year!! The funny thing is I keep moving stuff around, you would think after a year we would be settled in by now... It is so crazy to look back over the last year, so many good things have happened for us. Jeremy is back to school this fall with a very full schedule, and I am now working full time for this doctor in Bountiful. I love my office, the people I work with are awesome and I feel like our company is going to go so far in the near future. It makes me very excited. Foxy is still wild and crazy as always, Jessi went back to school so I spend my nights cleaning, reading.... and that's about it.
We have had all of our camping trips for this year, which makes me so sad...I hate to see camping time go but I LOVE fall, I am so happy when I wake up and it is fresh and chilly outside.
I have gotten a new calling in our ward, I now teach the Sunbeams, they are alot of fun but really good birth control for right now :) Speaking of birth control... it is Labor Day weekend and we are babysitting my two cousins that are 2 & 4... it is amazing how busy they are all the time! They are keeping me and Jeremy on our toes but they are fun to have around. I hope everybody has a good and safe Labor Day Weekend!!