Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, May 23, 2011

Finally Nice Weather!

 I am was so happy that we had such nice weather this weekend, I was able to get up go for a nice walk with Foxy and Jessi, clean the house, and get our garden started! I am so grateful to have a large enough back yard that we can  even have a garden. It is so nice to grow so many of our own veggies and not have to purchase them, Jeremy makes so many things with his veggies but his most important is his salsa so we have PLENTY of tomatoes and peppers.  We had fun out in the sun, I mostly watched Jeremy do the hard work and Foxy chase the birds :]  But summer is coming (hopefully) and we have some fun vacations coming up, mostly camping but I am still very excited to get away. This week for Memorial Day me, my sisters and my mom are going on a road trip to visit my great grandparents in Colorado, haven't been there since I was in 7th grade, so it should be fun! Hope everyone has a great holiday weekend!